Monday, 21 April 2008

Marathon men

It is said that cycling a hundred miles is equivalent to running a marathon. I have never run a marathon so cannot say if the two are comparable, but when you consider the Joglers are planning to average a marathon a day for nine days, the challenge starts to become a reality.

Then factor in the difficulty of cycling north to south against the prevailing south-west wind that we tend to get in the UK (except in Fife, where it always seems to be a head wind no matter which direction you cycle!) and the challenge gets even harder.

Probably the hardest challenge is getting sufficiently fit while working full-time and juggling family commitments.

Due to those commitments I am only able to join in the Jogle escapade for three days, but am delighted to contribute what effort I can for such a worthy cause.


Cactusnic said...

Wow Steve, someone writing with eloquence on our blog! Trouble is after reading that I don't think I can manage the JOGLE. Perhaps I should stick to knitting. ;-)

dave said...

Yeah but the scary bit is i've run a couple of marathons and it always hurts, lots.

Steve said...

I've run 2 also Dave and I can confirm you are again talking rubbish. Yes boys I'm back and ready to go...., er well not quite as um.. planned yet. USA food sent me the wrong way weight wise. Never mind back to grind stone again tomorrow. See Dave you should never give up even at your time of life. Marathon number 3 coming up this October..

Hugs and kisses

Cactusnic said...

How fat are you now Steve? We will meet in the middle at this rate

Steve said...

I'm 13.09 this morning. Not goooooooddddd

Should have a clear run between now and the ride I will be less than 12 1/2 by the ride


Cactusnic said...

Damn still lighter than me. Reckon I am about 14 dead now.