Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Busted saddles and sore legs

Well finished the HONC, kind of, in a roundabout way. Due to recurrent saddle problems, the bolt for my saddle gave up the ghost at about 40 miles, so had to miss the last 10 miles of the ride due to being unable to sit on the saddle. At least i got in a good 50 mile ride, and given that it was off road it was a reasonable training ride.
Not pleased that i didn't finish but happy with the distance.
Would definitely recommend this ride to anyone who fancies a challenging off road ride.
Hoping to capitilse on the improved weather and get some evening rides in this week.
Have virtually booked all our accomodation for the ride now, need to start fine tuning some of the route. Hopefully we will avoid as many A roads as possible.
Only eight weeks to go.