Saturday, 7 June 2008

Our Route (updated with elevation data)

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Our Route is now taking shape. The links lead to mapmyroute maps of each day. If anyone can see anything stupid we have done then please let us know.

I have now calculated the total climbing and descending for each day. Interestingly the last day through Devon and Cornwall is the most grueling in terms both of distance and elevation. Even more than going through Glen Coe on day 3. Nice way to finish.

Anquet Maps was used to calculate the data because mapmyride seems to underestimate the elevation change dramatically. The numbers look pretty scary but it does at least give a comparison between the days.

Ascent 3790ft Descent 3754ft

Ascent 9234 ft Descent 9181 ft

Day 3 Sunday 22nd Fort Augustus - Inverbeg on Loch Lomond 106 miles (then Ferry to Rowardennan Lodge)

Ascent 11269ft Descent 11362ft

Ascent 9167ft Descent 9134ft

Ascent 7298ft Descent 7278ft

Ascent 5964ft Descent 5847ft

Ascent 7354ft Descent 7529ft

Ascent 7522ft Descent 7475ft

948 Miles in Total


sr said...

It looks like you guys will be passing me sometime around the 25th June. Good luck with the training and the JOGLE.


Cactusnic said...

Cheers Stu. I will link to you from our links section. Got to support our fellow joglers!

Steve said...

Can we drive it instead....I've had man flue for the past week....


sr said...

On Day 3 you say you're getting a ferry to your accomodation. Where is it you're staying that night?

Cactusnic said...

Rowardennan Lodge. It is across the loch from Inverbeg. Hopefully it will work out ok but the ferry only runs 3 times a day, the last being 6pm so if we miss it we will face an extra 30 odd miles around the loch to get to the accomodation!

sr said...

It was just that I was going to warn you off, if it had been the Inversnaid, as it has some bad reports.

Cactusnic said...

Thanks. It is good to get tips. It is all a bit of a trip into the unknown!

When do you start?

Stephen said...

Looks very impressive! Like the profiles you see for the mountain stages of the Tour de France! Can you give the total ascent for each day to give a comparison?

Cactusnic said...

I am trying to suss that. the mapmyride site gives data but it totally underestimates the accumulated climbing. I will find a way. Maybe use bikely data if you have any ideas let me know :-)

Cactusnic said...

I used memory map software to work it all out in the end. Some of the numbers are a bit worrying....

Regie said...

Oooh that looks fun, will now have to spend a couple of hours playing on map my ride!
The hills aren't that bad down here, just take some getting used to! (Can you see my evil grin!!!)

Stephen said...

I don't think those figures for ascent and descent are correct. They are far too high: 16322 ft ascent on day 3!!!

Mapmyride for the same route:

gives 1582ft of ascent and 1568ft of descent, which is more like it.

Cactusnic said...

The Mapmyride figures are far too low which is why I didn't use them. They don't account for all the little ups and downs and take a more "smoothed out" look at the course's elevation.

The memory map ones do look a bit astronomical though!

I don't know where the truth lies but I am sure the truth is out there. ;-)

Cactusnic said...

I have just mapped some of the routes we have done in motionbased on memory map and it gives the same elevation give or take about 5%

Cactusnic said...

The ascent is all the little climbs added together which is why Cornwall is so high. There are no massive climbs but lots and lots of little ones.

Stephen said...

Does your motionbased elevation data acquired during training correspond with the theoretical values given on their site?

I still think 17956ft for the final day is way too much - that is equivalent to going two thirds of the way up Everest!

Cactusnic said...

Yes. Motionbased have something called motionbased gravity which corrects any errors in the gps data by laying the route over their own data.

I agree the numbers are much higher than I imagined they would be but I did a lot of research and comparisons between different services and found mapmyride to give massively lower readings than other services (see comments on Into Darkest Fife). If you can think of any other ways to get the data I would love to know. Or maybe official data for a tour stage. I could map that and see how accurate or otherwise these services are.

Off to change a wheel bearing on the car now.

Cactusnic said...

I tried a longer 90 mile route and Memory map is giving figures 50% higher than motionbased. So The figures are high. I don't understand why every service gives a very different reading. I have tried in order of most to least optimistic
gps date straight from device

Dunno what the truth is. It will be hilly though!

Stephen said...

Perhaps total ascent is misleading regardless of whether it is accurate or not. It doesn't indicate the severity or length of climbs.

If you look at the profile for the ride we did in Nice, then it looks fairly mundane! We know from experience that it wasn't!

Cactusnic said...

That looks easy. It most certainly wasn't though. That Col de Champs climb went on for ever and ever!

I will leave the numbers as they are for the moment. It looks impressive ;-)

Cactusnic said...

Nice to look back at that Col de Champs ride. That was a mega day!

Cactusnic said...

This forum post at memory map seems to confirm the numbers are high.

Doesn't look like there is an esp accurate way. Daves Barometric/Gps device is probably most accurate.

Cactusnic said...

I have re done all the elevation with Anquet Maps. (Free download thankfully) It seems more realistic now.