Monday, 7 April 2008

Sport and oh,oh...Politics

Good to see Steve making a few notes on the blog. I wasn't aware he could write, so quite an achievement.
Managed an hour and a half on the stumpy tonight, still a bit muddy for decent riding but it was good to get re-acquainted with nobblies again. Hopefully the weather will be good for the HONC and i won't bonk before 50 miles!!
Thought i should make a comment about world affairs, seeing as how this blog is a medium for all things good and proper.
I have always been an advocate for world peace, and given that we are undertaking a sporting event in the Olympic year i thought it only right to suggest that we boycott watching the Olympics, given China's intrusion in Tibet, maybe a small token but if enough people did it....who knows. Having travelled in Nepal and India i can only comment on how friendly and welcoming Tibetan refugees were to me. Comments please.


Cactusnic said...

Check out Spinopsys' take on it. I am with him.

Cactusnic said...

Pro peaceful protest. China should not have been awarded the games but I am against a boycott and will be cheering on our Athletes when the time comes.

Steve said...

Free Willy....

Cactusnic said...

I'd rather you kept it to yourself Steve

Steve said...

Nick, please.

Hey I've noticed the sponsership hasn't risen much these days

Cactusnic said...

chase up some of your rich friends then dude! Things are afoot!