Friday, 25 April 2008

Big thanks to Scott Sigler The FDO™

Big shot No1 best selling author Scott Sigler mentioned us on his latest podcast. He has encouraged all his Junkies to drop by and insult us. Seems like they are all too polite though.

If somehow you are not familiar with Scott Sigler he is well worth checking out. Scott was one of the pioneers of podcasting novels and has definately taken it further than anyone else.

He writes horror fiction novels that mostly have a hard science slant to them. There are usually tentacles and monsters and always lots and LOTS of violence. So far Scott has podcasted the following books:

Earthcore, Ancestor, Infected, The Rookie and Nocturnal. In addition to this Scott has podcast some of his short stories in his Bloodcast feed. All are available to download for FREE. They are not free because they are no good oh no. In fact his horror fiction is right up there amongst the most gripping and involving I have ever read. Find out more about Scott here.


Scott Sigler said...

I don't know what to say, they always find time to insult me ...

Cactusnic said...

That is true, FDO but look at what they have to work with....

Scott Sigler said...


Cactusnic said...

Hey Man! The truth is painful....
Congrats on keeping up your 18yr run by the way ;-)