Sunday, 20 April 2008

6lbs in 24 hrs

Well this weekend did not go as planned. I was going out for an 80 miler on Saturday then I was going to be cycling into work on Sunday night. Instead I managed 10 miles on Saturday before it became apparent that if I didn't find a loo pretty quick my shorts would be in trouble. From then on it was 24 hrs between the bedroom and the lav. On the bright side as you can see from my skinnyr graph on the right somewhere I lost 6lbs! Of course that is just fluid but it is nice to see the scales saying something less offensive to me. Hopefully I will pile on a few miles this week as I am working nights all week so I hope to get in 180 - 200 miles. We will see.


dave said...

mmm thanks nic, hope you weren't in your new shorts!!

Cactusnic said...

Yeah I was. Good job they have that super thick pad.

Steve said...


Cactusnic said...

look who talking Mr Incontinence!

Steve said...

Hey I've been back on solids now for a couple of weeks. Don't tell Regie he'll get upset again