Saturday, 1 March 2008

Nick is a Very Fat Boy

Hello my name is Nick and I am fat. There I have said it now.

Obviously that is no good for long distance cycling so I am going to have to shed some pounds. The humiliation of having the reality of my tubbyness on the net might provide some motivation to put the dough nuts down hence this fairly painful post. On the bottom right there is a Skinnyr graph where you can see if I am loosing or gaining or whatever. Please feel free to leave a comment and insult me if I am not loosing. I will deserve it.

Currently I am a very wobbly 204lbs and want to get back down to my 2005 weight (pre children) of 158lbs. That is probably not achievable before the JOGLE but I hope to be well on my way by then.
Here are some fairly disturbing images to illustrate the extent of my fall from slimness:

This is what having children does to you!


Anonymous said...

hi im also called nick, and im also really fat. although im not pregnant, i feel like i have a huge baby inside me, itt turned out its just lard, but you know, its not a nice feeling

Cactusnic said...

Unfortunately I know the feeling exactly. :-(