Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Back In The Saddle again.

It is great to be over my "bug " and in the saddle again. I was getting a little stressed at missing a week of riding if only because the unlistened to podcasts were piling up. I have found podcasts to be the best training aid I have ever used. The 2 hour ride to work this evening just flew by. Here is my playlist for the ride in:
1 Scott Sigler's Nocturnal
2 The Daily Mayo
3 Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff's Transistor Rodeo
4 Twit's Jumping Monkey's

On the way home I have lined up:
3 episodes of The Daily Giz Wiz and 3 Episodes of Buzzout Loud Then I may resort to some music to give me the kick for the last 10 miles home.

It still amazes me that this stuff is all free. There are some amazing news and entertainment podcasts out there. does a wide range of tech related podcasts, Free audio Novels can be found at Podiobooks and if short stories are your thing checkout Pseudopod or Escape Pod. There is always something to listen to. Absolute favourites of mine are The Metamor City Podcast , Mark Kermodes Film Reviews which includes hilarious rants and bickering between Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo(The reviews are pretty spot on too In my opinion) , anything Mike Bennett puts out and of course JC Hutchins , Scott Sigler and Mur Lafferty

If you get saddle sore, aching legs and generally fed up with training I prescribe podcasts. I have found myself riding an extra few miles many times just to finish the podcast before I get home. I suppose I should point out though that many may feel that wearing earphones whilst cycling is not condusive to safety and I guess there is a point to this. However I find that so long as the earphones are not noise cancelling I hear traffic just fine.

Anyway coffee break over - back to work.