Saturday 15 March 2008

Todays Little Bimble

My legs were feeling a bit weary today and I have also been conscious of my troublesome right knee just whispering to me that it might be a good idea to back off a bit. With this in mind I set of into the Cotswold rain for a gentle "leg flushing" ride. A mighty fine one it was too, after a few easy miles my legs felt good so I decided to explore around the back of Painswick.

I have been trying to "spin" a bit more instead of indulging my tendancy to push big gears. This tendancy of mine is probably the cause of my knee probs. The downside off my planned route was that as almost every hill going up into Painswick seemed to be about 25% - not really so good for "spinning". Never mind - no tendons or ligaments snapped and I think I survived. My ego tends to get in the way of my health when faced with hills like this, especially if there are people looking on. I will not get off and push - it just doesn't seem right, not with all the lycra on and dressed like a funky chicken with my clippy clop shoes etc. Hopefully I will grow out of this macho bravado one day.

The route is here and this is the elevation profile:


Unknown said...


Cactusnic said...

thanks for stopping by Mr Ballmer. Being a billionaire could you spare a couple of dollars for a good cause? ;-)