I work nights, just nights and they suck. In a lot of ways anyway - I never get more than 5 hours kip, usually about 4, so I am grumpy, I am less productive, always hungry and will probably die young. Ok not that young I am already a grey paunchy middle aged man but you know what I mean. On the plus side - often the nights are (touch wood) quieter, meaning I can catch up on stuff like studying etc in work time. Also the shifts are longer 10 - 12 hours which means a 3 day week almost makes full time hours giving me much more time to do other stuff. Best of all work is 30 miles away making the commute excellent Jogle training.
This week I decided that I would cycle the 60 mile round trip 3 days in succession. This, for me at least, is quite ambitious. Cycling into work is usually ok but facing 30 miles after a night shift is often not a pleasant thing. Anyway as I am writing this I have failed but with a B+ for effort. The first night was great, I took it easy going in listening to the Fantastic "Murder At Avedon Hill" podcast and the journey flew buy as I absorbed the world created by PG Holyfield. It was a real disappointment to get to work and have to stop listening. This repeated itself on the way home only I ran out of Murder half way home so I put on my "Go man Go!" play list. This certainly works as my average speed went up from 15 mph to 21! I think perhaps I should listen to this play list more often. Unfortunately I was so hyped up from the blast home that I couldn't sleep and after finally getting a solid 2 hours sleep decided to take the car for my second night. Light weight. Fat but light weight.
Update: I am writing this having cycled in for my 3rd night shift and am not looking forward at all to the ride home as I will be riding into a 25mph head wind all the way. Still it is good training for those "the JOGLE is a stupid idea" moments.
This is the elevation profile of my ride to work:
Further update: I have just got back from my ride home. I was pathetic! It took an hour longer than usual with the headwind, I am surprised I didn't topple over I was going so slow. Off to bed now.