Monday, 24 March 2008

Bank Holiday Masochism

Today I decided to just follow my nose. Unfortunately my nose is a sadist. I followed it up 3000ft of climbing in 24 miles. Fortunately, to go with my nose and its sadistic tendancy I appear to be a masochist - cos I loved it! There is little to beat the feeling of grinding up a hill with your heartrate up around 170bpm, the sweat rolling down your face and your legs relentlessly pumping. Endorphintastic!

Now if I can just get rid of the extra 2 stone around my middle I might be able to go a bit quicker.


Stephen said...

That is insane! 3000ft climbing in 24 miles! I look forward to having a go when I see you in a few weeks time!

Dr Stephen

Cactusnic said...

Excellent! Do you have permission to bring your bike then?

Stephen said...

No, I haven't asked yet ... will see if I can fit my road bike in the car without anyone noticing! Failing that, do you have a bike I could borrow?!

Cactusnic said...

You should be able to slip your bike unnoticed in that stately home on wheels you have! If not though you are welcome to borrow either my Pinarello or the Focus Cross. They both have reasonably long seat tubes to accommodate your legs!