Thursday, 1 May 2008

Stroud Valleys

Today's riding was a case of squeezing as much into 2 hours as possible as that is all the time granted to me today by my ever understanding family. Not being a fast guy I decided to see how much accumulated elevation I could get in. Luckily I live just outside Stroud which nestles at the meeting point of 5 valleys. This means there a lot of hills close together as you can see from my elevation trace.
I managed to climb 4286ft in 23.5 miles. For a fat bloke that was quite a work out. If you are the train spotting type then the ride stats are here.

Time for the dishes now.


Steve said...

Only 4k of vertical, how far did your belly climb??

Cactusnic said...

Hey Baldy. lets see you match that in 23 miles.

Steve said...

In the morning Mr Tubs

Cactusnic said...

The car doesn't count!