Sunday, 11 May 2008

Dragging a fat balding fart around on a bike in North Devon

Dear Loosers… Well I’m fat and I hit 50 today… No Dave not your age but me first 50 miler. This was the same route I did two weeks ago when I lost it within a mile from home. Its funny these Garmin things, the ride was exactly the same ride as two weeks but there was nearly 1k difference of vertical climb today, explain that what to me techno geeks?? Anyway the ride was sweet, no issues of feeling like crud, none of Dave’s excuses just a good darn ride. Considering I’ve in effect been following my usual form of training, i.e. very little… I now think I will rest myself before the ride, preparation is the name of the game. I need to ensure my calorific intake is up. Kate’s out of the house so I’m about to start a biscuit hunt.

More exciting stories from Mr. Sylvester when he can be bothered.


Cactusnic said...

I admire your style Steve, after all biscuits is what Lance was buying when Dave saw him.

That 1k difference. If you enable "Motionbased gravity" in the activity options you will get far more accurate and consistent elevation readings.

Love Techno Geek

Steve said...

Well why wasn't is set up as a default..bloody IT

Cactusnic said...

yeah! speccy nerds! Oh er thats me....

Cactusnic said...

fair play. That is a cracking av SPs for such a hilly route. Nice

Cactusnic said...

average speed even.