Friday, 30 May 2008

Ice skating is incompatible with cycling!

I did have plans to do another 70 miler this afternoon, but my training preparations have been unexpectedly hampered by a pair of ice skates.

I thought that going ice skating with my nephew on Wednesday evening would be a good way of expanding my range of fitness. After all, it has been know for speed skaters to become professional cyclists.

However, as I haven't skated for a long time I forgot that I am not a youth any more(!) My inner thighs and left knee are very sore. Walking is painful and cycling uncomfortable. Will have to take it easy for a few more days...


Cactusnic said...

This is what happens when you become a 40 yr Old! It is a painful realisation isn't it?! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, retirement will be just around the corner. Happy Birthday!