Sunday, 4 May 2008

I must train harder.

My contribution to this site has dwindled of late, so has everything jogle related, and yes i do mean training. This is down to my wife, who is 5 months pregnant managing to put her lower back out, which has resulted in her being unable to do anything. I have therefore become chief cook, cleaner, nappy changer, dogsbody, and getter upper in the middle of the night, nice!!
My great plans for a 75 mile ride yesterday turned into a 20 min run and then a 30 mile ride today was undertaken in 1hr 45 min as i needed to be home asap.
I did manage a 100 miles last week and some running but woefully short of serious training. Hopefully this will be rectified this week as we are off to the in-laws in Cornwall with a promise that i can do some decent riding.
I have also managed to damage the hub of my rear wheel and have had to borrow one of Richards Bikes nice shiny Shimano race wheels with very fetching red Michelin Pro race tyre, hopefully it was my fitness this morning that made me ride a bit faster and not the sexy wheel!!
On the plus side the sun came out.
Still it could be worse, i could be as fat as Nick or as slow as Steve, there is hope.........


Cactusnic said...

I may be fatter than you Dave but I will never be as old and wrinkley.

Alison said...

I hope Claire's back is on the mend soon and that's she's able to get as much rest as possible.

9 days of cycling across Britain? ... Pah! Try 9 months of pregnancy, then we'd see what you guys are really good for!

Cactusnic said...

Try 9 months with a hormonal woman - Now THAT is pain.

Only joking Alison... er... yes..yes I will clean the toilet sorry if I spoke out of turn...

Steve said...

I agree Dave, you must train harder. Get off that Staner lift and do some ridding dude