Last night we made the £1000 target we set for our selves. Hurrah! This does not mean the fundraising is over by a long way, just that people have been more generous than we imagined so please if you feel inclined, don't be shy. Donate! No amount is too small and it all goes straight to the Alzheimer's Society.
We were only £11 short last night so I asked if anyone on Twitter would like to push us over and SynapticJam stepped up to the plate. Thankyou!
Below are our kind donors online so far:
Heidi | 12/06/2008 | I hope the training pays off Steve |
Thanks also to all colleagues, friends, family and aquantances who have donated off line, and to Podcasters Mike Bennett, Stephen Kilbride, PG Holyfield, Scott Sigler, Seth Harwood, Chris Lester, JC Hutchins, Joe Mieczkowski or Pseudojoe and to Justin Lowmaster who all donated time and/or plugs for the cause or in Justin's case wrote a story!
Sorry If I missed anyone but this will be updated as more folk donate. :-)